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CSA 24-002: Voyeurism

Broadcast Time: 16:40

Date: February 22, 2024

Type: Community Safety Alert (CSA)

The University of Toronto Campus Safety is alerting our tri-campus community about repeated acts of voyeurism at New College on St. George campus, despite an arrest in early January. The incidents have occurred in publicly accessible washrooms, and a washroom in Wilson Hall residence (the residence is key-accessed).   


This alert is being shared with our full community due to the repeated, persistent nature of these incidents, and because many of you travel from Mississauga or Scarborough to St. George campus for classes, labs or other purposes. We encourage all members of our community to exercise vigilance and to report any behaviour of concern to Campus Safety (416-978-2222).  


On Thursday, Feb. 15, an individual held an iPhone over an occupied shower stall in Wilson Residence (which requires a key to access). On Wednesday, Feb. 7, an individual held an iPhone over an occupied stall in a publicly accessible women’s washroom in New College – in this case, a person of interest was captured on CCTV. On Jan. 9, an individual held an iPhone over an occupied shower stall in Wilson Residence.  


The New College residence community was informed of each of these incidents, including the latest incident last week through direct email outreach, onsite signage, and via a Campus Safety Community Alert that was posted on washroom doors, distributed in person and slipped under bedroom doors. Multiple measures have been taken to increase security and deter the individual(s) responsible for these acts of voyeurism.  


These acts of sexual violence are under joint investigation by Campus Safety and Toronto Police Service. If anyone has information pertaining to any of these cases, please contact Campus Safety at (416) 978-2323.  


To report behaviour of concern, please contact Campus Safety as soon as possible at 416-978-2222.  


Students, staff, faculty and librarians are also reminded of the various safety and support programs offered on campus, including:  

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual violence or sexual harassment, the University’s Sexual Violence Prevention & Support Centre can help you understand, access and navigate supports such as counselling, medical services, academic or workplace accommodations, financial aid and legal aid. This includes helping you understand your reporting options.  

Hours: Mon-Fri from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.   

Telephone: 416-978-2266  


A service that offers short-term support and assistance to students, staff, and faculty members of the University of Toronto community who have experienced personal safety concerns including: stalking and harassment, bullying, domestic and family violence, workplace conflict and volatile behaviour. 

Hours: Mon-Fri from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  

Telephone: 416-978-1485  




This is a 24/7 service available to the U of T community and is available to and from all U of T buildings or abutting TTC stations. This service can be arranged by calling 416-978-SAFE (7233) or by using the U of T Campus Safety App to arrange an escort.  


Virtual TravelSafer and Mobile Bluelight 

These features are available through the U of T Campus Safety App and can be used to trigger a distress beacon, in the event of an emergency, to send your location to a Campus Safety dispatcher and summon help.  


Update your info in U of T’s new alert system 

The University of Toronto recently upgraded UTAlert, a rapid notification system that is used to spread important campus information such as snow closures, building evacuations and safety messages. As part of the upgrade, all community members (even those who have previously provided their information) are asked to visit the UTAlert webpage and enter their cellphone numbers. This will allow you to receive critical updates by text. You can also download UTAlert’s Alertable app and receive additional safety tools and push notifications.  


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